Posts Tagged ‘moment’

images-23We always wait for the perfect moment for everything, be it starting something new, proposing, loving, falling for someone. We don’t realize the moment we experience that one thing should happen, that is actually the perfect moment. Moreover there is nothing as the perfect moment, It’s we who make it perfect!

Say you propose someone unexpectedly, man! you just had a moment and ask the one you proposed……It’s perfect for them.


We regret, curse ourselves for not having done this and that, crib and cry for things we should or must have said, but this concept of making ‘it’ perfect, the right time for ‘it’ ruins it all..Yeah it really does…

Believe me, all it takes is your own heart and belief that yes, this very moment is perfect!

Our life is too short to waste time in searching the right time!

What are you waiting for?

Your death bed?…….

Believe me you won’t be able to say much then!……. just a farewell!images-21

P.S. The wait for the perfect moment sometimes steals away the very simple moments of your life!!



Love me like you do……..that’s all you gotta say to yourself!!   Love yourself!!!

What are you waiting for?

It’s not worth it!!…………images-25